Dal 9 al 23 aprile, esclusivamente on-line, la Galleria del Cembalo presenta "About the body", la mostra collettiva che espone opere di Alain Fleischer, Paolo Gioli, Daniele Cascone e Cristina Vatielli.
Galleria del Cembalo is proud to present "About the Body", a collective exhibition featuring artworks by some of our represented photographers as Alain Fleischer, Paolo Gioli, Daniele Cascone and Cristina Vatielli. It will be exclusively online from April 9th to 23rd.
Press Release
The exhibition "About the body" wants to display the theme of the body as an oneiric, sensual, physical or idealized starting point or as a simple tool for the composition of the photographic image.
The authors involved belong to various generations and their language is different, but in any case the message gets to the observer with an intrinsic attraction and undoubtedly it evokes an emotion. Images from the wide production of polaroid by Paolo Gioli have being chosen, from the series "Lastre" and "Luminescenti", as well as some vintage prints by the eclectic French photographer Alain Fleischer, to go through the original compositions by Daniele Cascone, ending up to the cultured Cristina Vatielli, with her mise-en-scène theatrical portraits and self-portraits with the Finnish photographer Arno Minkkinen.
Apr 9th – 23rd
On-line Exclusive